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Covid 19

Common Questions for Gov. Whitmer

Gov. Whitmer addressed the state on Thursday, April 9.

In that briefing, she extended Michigan’s Stay-at-Home order to April 30 and gave the state an update on what that means for travel and businesses, including mandating that Michiganders can no longer travel to second homes.

In response to several common questions being directed to 9&10 News, we have compiled answers from that address here.

Is social distancing and the Stay-at-Home order working?


How long does this new Stay-at-Home Order Last till and why so long? Can I do outdoor activities? Shopping at grocery stores will be very different, why and how?


Why are businesses like landscaping and golfing still closed?


Why can’t you tailor social distancing rules based on the number of cases in each region of Michigan?


How are we doing in the fight against COVID-19?


Does Michigan still suffer from a testing shortage and if so, what are we doing about it?


Is the Coronavirus pandemic more than a public health pandemic?


How will Michigan recover from the financial impact of COVID-19?


What about unemployment?


What about mental health?


How can we stay connected during a Stay-at-Home order and how can we care for older adults?


New York field hospitals were almost empty. Will we need ours?


Have you been keeping track of businesses’ violations? What do you think of the Senate task force set up to think of ways to open the economy up quicker?

For more common questions,

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