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Northern Michigan veteran surprised with a hero’s send-off for honor flight

HOUGHTON LAKE -- A Northern Michigan veteran is receiving special recognition for his service, chosen for an honor flight to Washington DC.

Honor flights bring veterans to the nation’s capital to tour memorials dedicated to honoring their sacrifices.

The marine from Harrison now lives at the Brook of Houghton Lake assisted living facility, with his wife, Kay. He was surprised with a hero’s send off earlier Monday afternoon.


86-year-old Jerry Brandt said he was delighted when he got word he was chosen for the May 7th honor flight.

“I’m looking forward to it. And especially now that one of my very close friends is also going……So we’ll be together on this journey and we’re really looking forward to it,” said Brandt.

He said he was nominated by a friend.

“I had a good friend that asked about it and I said, yes, I’d be interested in it. She took the initiative,” said Brandt.


Brandt served in the Marines in the 81 Mortars Battalion from 1957 to 1959, spending the majority of his time in Hawaii, after finishing basic training in San Diego.

“I was one of the lucky ones, I guess. They lined us all up and they went down the rows Japan, Germany or Hawaii. And I went to Hawaii and I spent the rest of my time in Hawaii,” said Brandt.

Brandt said in addition to his 92 year old veteran friend that’s also going, he is being escorted by his daughter, making the journey even more special.

He said the highlight of the trip will be checking out the memorials.


“One of our citizens from Harrison was killed in the service, and I’m kind of looking forward to see if I can find his name up and all the names or all the veterans that these veterans are,” said Brandt.

He said he’s been to DC once before, 40 years ago but this trip will hit differently.

“Now that I’ve been in the service and know someone that’s deceased there and just means more to me now today that I had served and going back,” said Brandt.

Brandt was treated to a surprise send off, with people including state representative Ken Borton, Lake and Roscommon Township firefighters, and family, and friends lining the driveway at the assisted living facility to see Brandt-before he was given a police escort out.


For Brandt’s niece Tracy Pardue-Smith said she’s grateful her uncle got the opportunity.

“I’ve always been very proud of my Uncle Gerry, but I am really excited that other people have recognized what a wonderful person he is and they’re sending him on this trip,” said Pardue-Smith.

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