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Early voting offered for everyone in Michigan for the first time, counties preparing

MOUNT PLEASANT — Back in October, we told you about the Isabella County Clerk’s office that had to be shut down because of asbestos, but they have since settled into their new location.

Now, the clerk’s office is tackling the process of early voting.

“People don’t have to walk a long way or go up an elevator or stairs to get to us,” said Isabella County Clerk Minde Lux.


But with the election ahead, Lux said that the new voting location has a lot more space in Stadium Mall.

“It’s not affecting our elections whatsoever,” said Lux. “It’s actually fantastic. It’s going to work out better for us than having it at the top of the county building,” said Lux.

But not everything is smooth sailing with the first-time early voting in the mitten state.

Clerks are still waiting to hear when they will get their e-Poll books.


“Our first time ever, we’re still waiting on equipment from the state of Michigan, our poll box that we need to utilize and figure out on our own first and how we’re supposed to utilize them,” said Lux.

And clerks still need to go through training.

“We have to be trained and then we have to train those that are going to be working the nine-day early voting,” said Lux.

But they will be ready.


“We’re going to be setting up there Feb. 1 and we’ll be there until the end of February. So, all of our equipment ballots, everything will be there,” said Lux.

Early voting will be offered in every county across Michigan starting Feb. 17, but not everyone will utilize it.

“I see within the city, which would be the city of Mount Pleasant in Union Township, they may be very busy, is more of a democratic area there, whereas out in the townships it’s more Republican. So, I do not see the county wide nine days early voting to be as busy,” said Lux.

And the cost of early voting does pack a punch.


“It cost us $7,000 just to put stamps and all these notices of the nine-day election. It’s costing the state hundreds of thousands to do this also,” said Lux.

Buts it’s the cost of giving people more flexibility and convivence with casting their votes something that wasn’t always offered.

“And it’s just it’s going to be a big learning curve for all of us, not just county clerks, township clerks, voters also,” said Lux.

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