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Better Business Bureau warns of online shopping scams, gives tips to avoid them

CADILLAC — Online shopping scams remain the most reported scam in western Michigan for the third year in a row according to the Better Business Bureau.

They said what made this year different was more scams were done on social media.

To avoid falling for a scam, they recommend making sure the website link is legitimate. They also recommend doing your due diligence before handing over important information. And above all, they said people should use common sense before shopping online.


“If the price seems too good to be true, it probably is. A lot of scammers, especially around big shopping times, are going to make those highly sought-after products, very good deals online to make you think that you’re getting this popular product for a discount and it makes sense there’d be a discount at that time. So use a little bit of common sense,” Katie Grevious, the marking and community relations manager at Better Business Bureau, said.

The Better Business Bureau is also asking people to report any scam they come across to their scam tracker so others can avoid it.

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