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Fresh Life Meal Prep in Kingsley Ready to Help You with your New Year’s Resolutions

Nevada Yetter is the creator of . She has had this idea for a couple of years.

Yetter finished building a commercial kitchen in Kinsley and is now ready to help people with their new year’s resolutions.

Yetter has always had a love for the kitchen. Her original plan was to open her restaurant, but the pandemic sent her in a different direction.

“We kind of had to make some changes and figure out something sustainable for us in case we get another pandemic or something like that happens,” said Nevada Yetter, Chef at Fresh Life Meal Prep.

That’s when she saw a need. She couldn’t find anywhere to grab a quick healthy meal and created Fresh Life Meal Prep.

“We make macro-based meals. We have a lot of variety from salmon to our own kind of keto chicken parmesan over a cabbage noodle,” explained Yetter. “We use a lot of brown rice and sweet potatoes for our healthy carb options.”

In addition to creating healthy meals, Yetter strives to use local ingredients.

“We want to support local farms locally here. So any of our lettuce and stuff like that,” said Yetter. “Our menu will be rotating seasonally as well. We want to really flavor our food with herbs and nutritious items instead of dumping salt and all that yucky stuff on there.”

When you finish eating a meal by Yetter, she hopes it not only fills you up but gives you the power to be the best version of yourself.

“I like to do keto on and off. It makes me more energized. It makes me more ambitious to work out and stay healthier.

You can pick up meals or have them delivered.

Meals last up to five days, and Yetter also offers cooking classes.

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