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American Nurses Association Launches Flu Shot Fridays, a National Flu Vaccination Campaign

After more than 18 months of taking precautions to help stop the spread of COVID-19, the world is slowly reopening. With more people returning in-person to the workplace and schools this flu season, there’s a continued risk to consider: the possibility of being infected by seasonal flu and COVID-19 at the same time. Helping to protect against seasonal flu is a top public health priority, and it’s important the public understands flu vaccinations are the best defense to help protect against seasonal flu.

 The American Nurses Association (ANA) is urging all Americans six months and older with rare exception to get a flu vaccination this year to help protect themselves, their loved ones and their communities from the flu. The flu viruses that circulate each year are different, and flu vaccines are designed to help protect against circulating flu strains for the season. Though a healthcare provider should always be consulted, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) recommendations say that a COVID-19 vaccine can be administered with any vaccine, including the annual flu shot.

SO WHY GET YOUR FLU SHOT ON FRIDAY?  Summer Fridays are in the rearview mirror, and we could all use an excuse for some much-needed “me” time in the colder months ahead. After a stressful week, Fridays are the perfect opportunity to focus on you!

ANA President Dr. Ernest Grant discusses  flu vaccination during the COVID-19 pandemic, effectiveness of flu vaccinations, who is most at risk for severe illness with the seasonal flu and more on the inspiration behind the  #flushotfridays campaign


For more information on #Flushotfridays

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