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Healthy Living: Sacrificing Sleep Teen Sleep Debt

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From early morning homeroom, to late night sports, and social activities, high schoolers have hectic schedules. If your teen is sacrificing sleep, they may also be sacrificing their health. Experts say REM sleep deprivation directly relates to emotional regulation, learning, memory, social relationships, and self-esteem. This can not only impact school performance, but also take a large toll on physical health and teen sleep debt.

They’re moody, eat all your food, and fall asleep in class, but just how tired is your teen?

According to the CDC, 73 percent of U.S. high schoolers are sleep deprived. From hectic schedules to puberty, and social demands, many teens are acquiring a sleep debt. Chronic lack of sleep at such a formative age sets teens up for high risk of physical and mental health problems. Teen sleep debt.

To catch more sleep focus on creating a dark, cool environment. Experts say the best temperature is 65 degrees Fahrenheit. No binging after eight p.m., set a regular bedtime, and most importantly, limit screens in the bedroom. But the key to everything… is routine.

The CDC says teens need eight to ten hours of sleep a night. If they get less than that on a regular basis it could impact their ability to concentrate and could lead to poor grades, drowsy driving, anxiety, depression, and thoughts of suicide.

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