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EGLE Announces 27 Grants To Support Stream Cleanups

The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy announced 27 grants worth $75,000 dollars.

The money will be used to help clean up local rivers and streams.

The Grand Traverse and Benzie Conservation Districts both received funds to help put on stream cleanup events.

The grants also went to volunteer-based monitoring and maintenance programs.

“The grants that they got will allow them to continue to, you know, make sure their staff are all current with their training and to also support other activities, like the monitoring equipment,” said Jo Latimore, an administrator at MICorps. “They need nets and buckets and trays and all the things they need to support their volunteers that are going to go out and collect that data from the streams around here.”

Data collected from these streams will be monitored and posted on the MICorps website to show their overall health.

For more details on which organizations received funding from EGLE, and to learn more about this project,

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