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The Four

IV Therapy at Revived Hydration in Traverse City

Most people are terrified when it comes to getting shots and IV’s, but what if we told you– it’s not that bad and it can make you feel better? With cold/flu season right around the corner we wanted to see if we could find any healthy alternatives and IV Therapy was at the top of that list. Revived Hydration in Traverse City and Grand Rapids is providing an experience from start to finish. Co-Founder, Justin Bing says, “We have about 18 different IV packages you can choose from plus we do a lot of booster shots.”

The four’s Madison Gardner decided to give it a try for herself. You can see them getting the Immunity drip with Vitamin C, B and Zinc Selenium. “All just really good things to boost energy levels,” says Justin Bing. Other options include headache/migraine relief, cognitive performance, general wellness and hangover.

Still not convinced but want to feel like a million bucks? What if we told you these are trained professionals with years of experience? Justin Bing says, “We’re all registered nurses. Everyone we hire are E.R. nurses so we have a lot of experience putting IV’s in people. Plus, using pediatric sized needles makes it way less painful too.”

If you want more information on Revived Hydration,

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