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The Four

Evart Elementary 3rd Graders Raising Money for Classmate’s Wheelchair Accessible Swing

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Mrs. Hopkin’s 3rd grade class at Evart Elementary is getting a life lesson that couldn’t really come from a textbook. Getting a lesson on friendship, compassion and inclusion.

“They have learned how to make plans, how to be leaders in the school – and they really took that with their whole hearts,” says 3rd grade teacher, Valerie Hopkins.

This class read the book called “Wonder”, a book about inclusion and accepting everyone no matter their struggles. The main character, Augie has a deformity. Mrs. Hopkins class decided to brainstorm ways they could help and make a difference in their school. That’s when they thought of their fellow classmate Waylon Blain.

“Waylon Blain is the cutest funniest little boy ever and all he wants to do is swing like any other kid,” says Trinity.

During recess you can find Waylon sitting by the swings watching his classmates. This is about to change. His classmates decided to do a cotton candy fundraiser hoping to raise $1800 for Waylon to get a wheelchair accessible swing. Trinity says, “We just want him to feel like he’s normal on the playground like any other kid.”

But these students are getting something out of this project as well — they’re learning how to be selfless.  “They’re thinking about another student – putting his needs before his own,” says Hopkins.

3rd grader Kaden says,”I don’t really get the chance to do nice things for other people so when I can I’m glad I have the chance to be able to do it.”

It’s a win-win for everyone. They are celebrating inclusion and making a difference. “We did something really nice for someone and now he’s going to remember it all his life too,” says Trinity.

If you would like to donate please make a check payable to Evart Elementary School. In the memo specify it is for the wheelchair swing.

Evart Elementary: 515 N. Cedar St. Evart, Michigan.

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