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The Four

Sustainability Farm at Interlochen Center for the Arts Continues to ‘Grow’

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Back in 2019, ‘The Four’ team visited the to learn about their sustainability program, and why it garnered national attention. The program continues to grow and not only provide a learning experience but a community connection when people need it most.

They recently received a grant from the and the , and built two new high tunnels/hoop houses and improved irrigation/utilities with the gift money. They also received another grant from , that helped provide seeds for planting and other growing needs.

“We’ll be growing 12 months out of the year because of the new high tunnels,” said sustainability manager, Emily Umbarger. “I’m really excited because this project is brand new because it’s also a partnership with our local food pantry and the here in Leelanau County”.

Technically this project was supposed to be a class project, but due to COVID-19 the students are not on campus. Umbarger hopes that when the students come back they will be ready to take it over.

“We’re hoping that all the students will come back in August. That’s the plan. When the students come back, they will be in charge of helping grow, harvest, and maintain these plants,” Umbarger stated, “…they learn where their food is coming from, they learn how to do some agriculture, and they are getting hands-on experience and life experience”.

For more information about the Interlochen Center for the Arts and their programs, .

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