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New proposals would worsen penalties for animal abuse in Michigan

LANSING -- State legislators heard a proposal Tuesday to worsen penalties for types of animal abuse, a change animal rights advocates say is sorely needed.

The bills would amend Michigan’s sentencing guidelines and allow judges to impose longer sentences for first-time offenses and increase penalties for repeat offenders.

If a crime is committed against a person and a pet, judges would be able to consider injuries to the pet when imposing a sentence.


”It would give law enforcement and prosecutors more options in addressing these serious offenses, which would appropriately increase for defendants with prior convictions,” said Anne Griffin, advocacy director of the Michigan Humane Society. “The potential for some jail or prison time for a first time offense sends a message that these crimes are significant. These defendants pose a risk to community safety for both people and animals.”

Supporters also say that violence against animals is often an indicator for further violent tendencies and that such offenses should be taken more seriously.

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