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Veterans Resource Station

Veterans urged to get flu shots and Covid-19 boosters

This is the season when we normally start to see a rise in flu cases. Along with it, could also come an uptick in Covid-19 cases as we spend more time indoors.

That’s why the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs is urging vets to get a flu shot and to keep updated on their Covid-19 boosters.

The VA in our region is offering flu and Covid-19 shots at the Aleda E. Lutz VA Medical Center in Saginaw as well as their out-patient clinics all over northern lower Michigan.


The vaccines are available free of charge to veterans enrolled in the VA healthcare system. New this year, however, veterans must also have received care through the VA from either a VA or community provider within the past 24 months

The VA Saginaw’s Infection Prevention Coordinator, Lisa Lucas, said the vaccines won’t stop you from getting either of these viruses, but they will make the symptoms less severe, “Definitely to protect themselves from hospitalizations, their families and their communities from getting sick. That would be the number one reason. We want to keep our veterans healthy.”

For more information on getting either the flu shot or the Covid-19 vaccine and to make an appointment, you can contact Veterans Affairs at 1-800-698-2411 or by clicking here.

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