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Coast Guard Air Station Traverse City Presents “Cherry Wings” Award to Cherry Capital Airport

Traverse City is a Coast Guard City, and every year the Air Station recognizes the community’s continued and unwavering support.

They call it the “Cherry Wings Award”, and it’s given out annually during the National Cherry Festival to a person or group who’s done the most to help the air station over the past year.

This year the Coast Guard is presenting the award to Cherry Capital Airport and its 26 staff members.

Commanding Officer Andy Schanno says TVC airport is a critical partner to the air station. “When it comes to Cherry Capital Airport, we could not do our job here if it wasn’t for the close relationship with them and the extra help they give us,” he says. “It allows us to get done our training, it allows us to more importantly get done our mission on a day-in and day-out basis.”

Cherry Capital CEO Kevin Klein and Airport Authority Board Chair Tom Kern accepted the award. The Coast Guard also highlights the airport’s Traverse City firefighters, the refueling operations, and even clearing snow off the runways, as examples of the ways the airport assists the air station.

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