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Walloon Lake Association Installs Two New Boat Washing Stations at Walloon Lake

The Walloon Lake Association has installed two new boat-washing stations along Walloon Lake, addressing an environmental concern that impacts the entire region.

The new stations are put in place to help with the spread of invasive water species, which has impacted the region for years. In 2019, it became Michigan law that boaters must ensure plants and aquatic organisms are free of their boats and trailers when transporting them.

In order to help boaters follow this regulation, the WLAC felt it necessary to provide a means by which to clean their boats before entering and after leaving Walloon Lake. By doing so, boaters are helping prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species from one body of water to another.

“If we all do our part, it’s going to help us stop the spread and lakes that don’t have everything now, hopefully can stay that way into the future if we all kind of work together and team up,” Connor Dennis, the Director of Conservation Programs for Walloon Lake Association, said.

For more information on how you can stop the spread of invasive water species in Walloon Lake, .

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