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Members of Michigan Conference of Seventh Day Adventists Building Bunk Beds For Local Kids In Need

Members of the Michigan Conference of Seventh Day Adventist are partnering with Sleep in Heavenly Peace to make a difference for kids without a place to sleep at night.

Teenagers and volunteers will be helping build wooden bunk beds for kids in the Cedar Lake and Edmore area.

The goal is to make 20 beds a day for five days, totaling in 100 beds for the community.

Youth Director Chad Bernard states that they are just trying to make the world a better place.

“Well you know there are a lot of people that are hurting and struggling, especially with COVID and we’re just trying to help make the world a better place you know to show the love,” said Bernard. “We just got a lot of young people old people actually all coming together and building beds to make a difference.”

Once finished, they will be hand delivering the beds to their new home.

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