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What’s Trending Wednesday: Sticking To Your New Year’s Resolution

It’s What’s Trending Wednesday on Michigan This Morning.

We are three day’s into the New Year. How are your resolutions coming?

Don’t give up just yet! This week we have three helpful tips to keep you sticking to your resolution.


Pick the Right Resolution.

According to a time management firm, one third of resolutions don’t make it past January.

Resolutions that fail are likely made based on someone else’s views, they’re too vague or unrealistic.

To make a resolution stick, be specific and make sure the goal is measurable and achievable.

For more information, .


Make it Visual.

You can either write down your resolution or use a visual reminder.

By keeping these visuals hanging around at your house, on the fridge or at your work; you will be reminded of your goals and be motivated throughout the year.

For more information, .


Find a Community.

Tell someone you trust about your goals, they can help you stay accountable and keep you motivated.

Posting your goals to social media and updating your progress throughout the year is another good way to keep your resolution on track.

For more information, .


Tune in to MTM Wednesday’s at 5:20 a.m and 8:50 a.m. for more trending topics!

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